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Group 5B - Formula Classic
#68 Peter Viccary, '68 Kelly FV
#77 Paul Subject, '98 Mazda Formula Mazda
Vallis Motorsports
#115 Shepherd Aubry, '98 BRD
#24 Gerry Catena, '94 BRD
#198 Robert Murray, '91 Mysterian M2
#92 Robert Wager, '88 Citation F2000
#5 Ed Luce, '68 Lotus type 41C
Start of Saturday morning's race. #70 Sutherland, #77 Subject & #7 Pixley
#68 Viccary, #01 Cluett & #24 Catena
#01 David Cluett, '69 Caldwell D9
#198 Robert Murray, '91 Mysterian M2
#68 Peter Viccary & #5 Ed Luce
#12 Daniel Demaras & #19 Jason Abrams
#68 Peter Viccary & #70 Stephen Sutherland
#67 Doug Durrell, '66 Bobsy Vanguard
#7 Tom Pixley & #5 Ed Luce
#68 Peter Viccary, '66 Kelly FV
#70 Sutherland, #77 Subject & #24 Catena
#67 Doug Durrell, '66 Bobsy Vanguard
#198 Robert Murray, '91 Mysterian M2
#70 Robert Sutherland, '95 Van Diemen RF95
#92 Robert Wager, '88 Citation F2000
#67 Doug Durrell & #68 Peter Viccary
#77 Paul Subject, '98 Mazda Formula Mazda
#7 Tom Pixley, '78 Wheeler F/SV
#76 Kim MacKenzie, '91 Mazda Formula
#112 Steve McCamus, '98 Mazda Formula
#70 Robert Sutherland, '95 Van Diemen RF95
#24 Gerr Catena, '94 BRD
#38 Bob Patterson, '97 BRD
#115 Shepherd Aubry, '98 BRD
#19 Jason Abrams, '99 BRD
#31 Robert Sombach, '95 BRD
#12 Daniel Demaras, '99 BRD
#68 Peter Viccary & #7 Tom Pixley
#38 Patterson, #12 Demaras & #67 Durrell
#01 Dvaid Cluett, '69 Caldwell D9
#68 Peter Viccary & #24 Gerry Catena
#12 Daniel Demaras & #115 Shepherd Aubry
#5 Ed Luce, '68 Lotus Type 41C
#24 Catena, #68 Viccary & #31 Sombach
#70 Sutherland, #77 Subject & #92 Wager
#12 Demaras, #19 Abrams, #38 Patterson & #115 Aubry
Historic FF winner David Cluett receives his award from FC VP Doug Switzer
2-year-old Viccary twins Quinn & Caleb wait on the podium for Grandpa
FV winner Peter Viccary & Quinn & Caleb
Caleb knows how to do this podium stuff. "We're number 1."
Robert Wager, FC70 winner
Ed Luce, FB winner
Left to Right: FC90 podium. Paul Subject (2nd), Stephen Sutherland (1st) & Steve McCamus (3rd)
Left to Right: F1200 podium. Bob Patterson (2nd), Jason Abrdams (1st) & Shepherd Aubry (3rd)
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