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VARAC Classic
#17 Emily Atkins, '94 BMW M3
#11 Ted Michalos, '87 Mazda RX-7
#38 Robert Offley, '72 Porsche 911
#73 Alan Morris, '85 BMW 323i
#75 Michael Strelbisky, '88 Porsche 944 S2
#458 David Wood, '80 Porsche 911 SC
#122 Tim Cusimano. '86 Porsche 944
#71 Andrew Atkins, '87 Ford Mustang
#11 Ted Michalos, '87 Mazda RX-7
#73 Alan Morris, '85 BMW 323i
#151 Steve Hummel, '96 Panos GTS
#67 Del Bruce, '72 Chevrolet Corvette
#53 Tammy Moore, '70 Porsche 911ST
#458 David Wood, '80 Porsche 911 SC
#41 Tom Bryson, '85 BMW 635CSI Euro
#67 Del Bruce, '72 Chevrolet Corvette
#301 Marco Beretta, '82 Porsche 911 SC
#458 David Wod & #73 Alan Morris
#71 A. Atkins, #75 Strelbisky, #67 Bruce & #73 Morris
#8 Reg Akers, '99 Ford Taurus
#03 Hugo Girard, '95 BMW 325i
#301 Marco Beretta & #151 Steve Hummel
#71 Andrew Atkins, '87 Ford Mustang
#8 Reg Akers, '99 Ford Taurus
#122 Tim Cusimano, '86 Porsche 944
#53 Tammy Moore, '70 Porsche 911 ST
#301 Marco Beretta, '82 Porsche 911 SC
#17 Emily Atkins, '94 BMW M3
#38 Robert Offley, '72 Porsche 911
#03 Hugo Girard, '95 BMW 325i
#75 Michael Strelbisky, '88 Porsche 944 S2
#151 Steve Hummel, '96 Panos GTS
#11 Ted Michalos, '87 Mazda RX-7
#41 Tom Bryson, '85 BMW 635CSI Euro
#67 Del Bruce & #301 Marco Beretta
Lap 1, Sunday morning's race. #38 Offley leads #8 Akers
#71 A. Atkins, #75 Strelbisky, #03 Girard, #67 Bruce, #17 E. Atkins & #122 Cusimano
#458 Wood, #11 Michalos & #53 Moore
#151 Steve Hummel, '96 Panos GTS
#75 Michael Strelbisky, '88 Porsche 944 S2
#458 David Wood, '80 Porsche 911 SC
#53 Tammy Moore, '70 Porsche 911ST
#38 Robert Offley & #8 Reg Akers
#41 Bryson, #122 Cusimano & #458 Wood
#122 Tim Cusimano & #458 David Wood
#71 A. Atkins, #75 Strelbisky & #17 E. Atkins
#53 Tammy Moore & #11 Ted Michalos
#38 Robert Offley & #8 Reg Akers
#67 Del Bruce, '72 Chevrolet Corvette
#75 Strelbisky, #17 E. Atkins & #03 Girard
#8 Reg Akers, '99 Ford Taurus
#17 Emily Atkins & #75 Michael Strelbisky
#53 Tammy Moore, '70 Porsche 911ST
#71 Andrew Atkins & #17 Emily Atkins
#8 REg Akers & #38 Robert Offley
#71 Andrew Atkins & #17 Emily Atkins
#41 Bryson, #458 Wood & #122 Cusimano
#75 Michael Strelbisky, '88 Porsche 944 S2
#41 Bryson, #301 Beretta, #122 Cusimano & #458 Wood
#67 Bruce, #301 Beretta & #71 A. Atkins
#8 Reg Akers & #38 Robert Offley
#38 Robert Offley, '72 Porsche 911
#301 Marco Beretta, '82 Porsche 911SC
#71 Andrew Atkins & #03 Hugo Girard
#41 Tom Bryson, '85 BMW 635CSI Euro
#122 Tim Cusimano & #38 Robert Offley
#71 A. Atkins, #03 Girard & #17 E. Atkins
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